Our Team


Meet The Owners


Nancy Streit


Nancy Streit is a certified and licensed speech language pathologist. She graduated from Hunter College with a BA and Master’s degree in Speech Language Pathology. Nancy has over 45 years of experience evaluating and treating children with developmental and behavioral challenges and working with their families and caregivers. Before opening Allcare Therapy Services, Nancy was the director of a school servicing children with multiple and physical disabilities. She has been supervising and training speech language graduate students for over 40 years.

Her vast areas of expertise include assessment and treatment in disorders of expressive and receptive language skills, articulation, oral motor, feeding and swallowing, sensory based feeding, behavior, social communication and auditory processing. She is highly trained in working with children on the autism spectrum. She is trained in PROMPT therapy, The Listening Program(TLP), and the Interactive Metronome (IM).

Kimberly Streit


Kimberly is an honors graduate from the University of Maryland College Park with a Master’s Degree from Kean University. She has over 20 years of experience in evaluating and treating both children and adults. Kimberly has worked in hospital settings, acute care, subacute care, early intervention and schools before opening her own practice. She is trained in PROMPT therapy and the Interactive Metronome (IM).

Kimberly has supervised both CFY candidates and graduate students. Kimberly has extensive training in teaching social skills and running social skills groups. Kimberly’s areas of expertise include swallowing, articulation, apraxia, receptive language disorders and expressive language disorders.

John Panassidi


John Panassidi is licensed by the state of New Jersey to practice both occupational and physical therapy. He has over 25 years of experience providing children and their families with the highest quality of treatment. He has advanced training in the areas of Sensory Integration, Feeding Disorders, Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration, Myofascial Release, and Neurological Impairments. He is also highly trained to assess and treat children on the Autistic Spectrum and those diagnosed with attention difficulties.

He is certified by The University of Southern California and Western Psychological Associates to administer and interpret The Sensory Integration and Praxis Test, (SIPT certified). John is certified to provide the Interactive Metronome (IM) and The Therapeutic Listening Program (TLP). His success has led him to provide continuing education lectures to school districts, as well as therapists and parents. Personal Awards include “Summa Cum Laude,” “Best overall Student,” and was recognized twice by his peers receiving “Educational Support Professional Of The Year.”

Melissa Panassidi


Melissa Panassidi is a graduate of the prestigious Occupational Therapy Program at The University of Florida. She has over twenty years providing quality driven therapy services to both children and their families. She is certified by The University of Southern California and Western Psychological Associates to administer and interpret The Sensory Integration and Praxis Test, (SIPT certified).

Melissa is certified to provide the use of the Interactive Metronome (IM) and The Therapeutic Listening Program (TLP). Her advanced training in the area of pediatrics includes the areas of Feeding, Sensory Integration, Handwriting Remediation, and developmental Disorders. Melissa served as a lead supervisor of her department before opening her own private practice over 14 years ago.